If you are interested in plays, you can see it at . A. the Australian Museum B. Riz CinemaC. Manash College D. Sussex Theater(B)Sundays in New York can be very pleasant. Since Saturday nights are traditionally party nights, Sunday mornings are traditionally mornings of rest, which means having a long sleep. We stay in bed until 9, 10 or even 11 o’clock is not unusual, then jump out of bed, pull on clothes, run to the nearest corner news agency, buy the New York Times or Daily News, return home, put some classical music or popular songs on the record player, climb right back into bed to read the paper.If the weather is bad, you might immediately turn to the Entertainment part of the paper to see what movies are on. Sunday afternoons are a popular time for seeing a film, but movies are expensive in New York, so choosing takes time and care. Read the movie reviews to discover what the critics think. No one wants to make an expensive mistake. But if the weather is good, you might go through the part which lists outdoor activities. Almost every Sunday there are “street fairs . There will be food for sale made by local people or restaurants; hand-made things for sale; music offered by a local band; and perhaps dancing. If the fair is in Little Italy, you can expect to find tasty Italian food.And if the day is really warm, a walk through Central Park can offer many sights, sounds and smells. Groups of people go around the park, enjoy different activities and are often looking for others to join in. There will be pick-up baseball games; singing under the trees; dancing near a famous monument; boating on the lake.If you are a student and live at home, you have probably spent your day in this way, putting off your study until the sun goes down. If you are a student living away from home, it’s also likely that you’ve done the same because generally most New Yorkers save Sundays for playing. Call too early and you’ll wake us up; call too late and you’ll find us out. 查看更多



1. You must book the trip to the beach before ________.

    A. 2 May          B. 5 February          C. 16 August            D. 9 February

2. For a family of 3 ( 1 adult, 2 children), it would cost them ________ to watch the movie.

A. $22             B. $26                 C. $31                  D. $32

3. You can learn why it rains and snows from ________.

    A. a funny movie                    B. a school trip

    C. a famous play                     D. a show on climate

4. If you are interested in plays, you can see it at ________.

    A. the Australian Museum              B. Riz Cinema

C. Manash College                        D. Sussex Theater

