Accommodation: Fayreness Hotel (0188 86866, with doubles with breakfast from£69. 15pp.RINGSTEAD BAY, DORSETA picturesque 210ft crescent of pebbles with clean water that’s a perfect escape from some of the busier beaches around Weymouth. You reach it by passing through the village of Upton.then along a narrow country road. Next to the car park is a well stocked shop. The cliffs behind Ringstead Bay are an excellent place for fossil hunting. Accommodation: Glenburn Hotel (01305 832318, with doubles from£7 9 including breakfast. BRANSCOMBE.DEVON Lying on the East Devon Heritage Coast, Branscombe has good facilities with toilets and a car park close to the beach, as well as a small picnic area. A well stocked shop sells the most attractive dairy ice cream. Next to the shop is the Sea Shanty restaurant--open every day until 5 p.m. during the summer. Accommodation: The Mason’s Arms, Branscombe Village (01297 680300, with doubles from£6 5 pp with breakfast. 查看更多


