科目  英語

年級  高一

文件 high1 unit18.doc

標(biāo)題  Unit  18    The  necklace

章節(jié)  第十八單元

關(guān)鍵詞  高一英語第十八單元




   accept, invitation, after all, continue, call on, day and night, pay back, at the most,

   worth, not…any more


   1. Where have you been all these days?

   2. What happened?

   3. We did have a good time.

   4. Excuse me. I’ve lost a case I wonder if it’s been found.

   5. Can you describe the case?

   6. Where did you last have it?

   7. We asked everyone there if they had found …, but without luck.

   8. We couldn’t find it; it was lost.



e.g.1. He asked if she was Pleased.

   2. She asked him how many People were going to the ball.



  Guy de Maupassant(莫泊桑1850―1893)was a well―known French novelist and short ?story writer.在少年時他就對文學(xué)表現(xiàn)出了濃厚的興趣,很小的時候開始寫作,在30多歲成為著明的小說家,他的大部分作品講的是人們的日常生活。1871年開始,他在政府部門就職,這期間他熟悉了政府職員的生活。這段經(jīng)歷幫助他創(chuàng)造出了他的著名短篇小說“項鏈”。他的作品簡潔明了,諷刺運用得恰到好處。莫泊桑晚年承受疾病圍繞,1893年病逝于巴黎。


“項鏈”這篇課文是一個獨幕劇,它包括三個人物:Mathilde Loisel, a yang woman;

Pierre Loisel, Mathilde’s husband, a government worker; Jeanne, Mathilde’s good friend.


1. Scene1 A park in Paris ……walks towards her.

這部分用斜體表示,或象下文一樣置于括號中,叫做舞臺指導(dǎo)說明(stage directions )一般使用現(xiàn)在時態(tài)。戲劇一般首先介紹故事發(fā)生的時間(time)、地點(place)和劇中人物(characters)。在這一段中有了具體介紹。

2. …but I don’t think I know you. 我好象并不認(rèn)識你。

   I don’t think I should do that. 我認(rèn)為我不該做那件事。

   I don’t believe she will come. 我上信她不會來。

   “think, believe” 這兩個詞的否定式在主句中表示,而賓語從句中的動詞用肯定式。

3. In fact you do. 事實上你認(rèn)識我。

  =In fact, you know me. 為了避免和前面重復(fù),所以用助動詞代替。

e.g.①We all love singing, but he doesn’t. 我們都喜歡唱歌,但他不喜歡。

   ②Class 2 went to a picnic, but Class 1 didn’t. 2班去野餐了,但1班沒去。

4. recognize vt. 認(rèn)識,辨認(rèn)

e.g.①She was so changed that I hardly recognized her. 她變得我?guī)缀跽J(rèn)不出來了。

   ②Harry recognized me in the crowd. 亨利在人群中認(rèn)出了我。

5. Where have you been all these years? 這些年你上哪兒去了?

e.g. The teacher asked Jane, “You didn’t come to school, last week, where have you been?”


6. That’s because of hard work. 那是因為勞累。

e.g.①He couldn’t go further. That’s because of his wounded leg.


   ②He cried because of the pain in his arm = He cried because he had a pain in his arm.


   because of后面跟名詞在句中作狀語與because加句子引導(dǎo)的狀語從句意義相同。

7. Have times been hard for you? 這些年境況不太好吧!

  times這個詞我們以前見過:(morden times )表示目前或某種特殊時期的生活情況或環(huán)


e.g.①He didn’t complain of hard times, but kept on working hard.


   ②Students thought times are terrible in July. 學(xué)生們認(rèn)為7月是一段難熬的日子。

8. But what happened? 發(fā)生什么事了?

  happen take place. 沒有被動式。

e.g.①I remembered the whole things as if it happened yesterday.


   ②──Why didn’t the boss come yesterday? 為什么老板昨天沒來?

     ──An accident happened to him. 他出事了。

9. Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a

   necklace of yours. 10年前的一個下午,我到你家借過一條項鏈,你還記得嗎?

   Ten year ago和由when 引導(dǎo)的定語從句一起修飾afternoon.

e.g.①Cart still remembers one afternoon in his first year when the professor took the students the Chemistry lab.卡爾仍然記得一年級時教授帶學(xué)生到化學(xué)實驗室去的那個下午的情景。

   ②There are thousands of starts in the sky that are like our sun.


10. I’ve written to accept the invitation. 我已經(jīng)寫信表示接受邀請了。

e.g.①I received a note, but didn’t accept it. 我收到了一張支票,但沒接受。

   ②Jack received my letter, and accepted my advice.


   ③give sb. An invitation給sb發(fā)邀請(invite sb. to…)

      refuse sb’s invitation. 拒絕sb的邀請。

11. I haven’t got an evening dress for the ball! 我沒有參加晚會的禮服。

12. But, just this once. After all, this ball is very important.


   after all“畢竟,終究,到底”。用來說服或提醒對方,引出對方似乎忘記了的某個


e.g.①They met with difficulties, but I hear that they’re succeeded after all.


   ②She said she would not go to the ball, but she went there after all.


13. I have no jewellery to wear. 我沒有首飾戴。


e.g.①She always dresses in green. 她總是穿著綠色的衣服。

   ②Dress at once! 立刻穿上衣服。

   ③The mother dresses the baby everyday. 媽媽每天給小寶寶穿衣服。


   ④He’s wearing a new coat today. 他今天穿了一件新大衣。

但不能說:Wear your clothes at once.

14. Can’t you just wear a flower instead? 難道不能就戴一朵花嗎?


e.g.①Hasn’t Albert telephoned you? Albert還沒有打電話來嗎?(說話人認(rèn)為Albert本該


   ②It’s getting dark. Can’t you walk a little faster? 天快黑了,你不能走快點嗎?(說話


15. She married a man with a lot of money. 她嫁了一個很有錢的人。

   marry sb. 娶了某人/嫁給某人。get married結(jié)了婚。

   be/ get married to sb.與某人結(jié)婚,不能用 with.

e.g.①―Is Jack married? Jack結(jié)婚了嗎?

     ―He got married last year. 他去年結(jié)婚了。

   ②He has been married to Mary for 3years. 他和Mary結(jié)婚3年了。

   ③Alice married a Frenchman. Alice和一個法國人結(jié)婚了。

16. So I called on you…



   call on/ upon sb. visit sb.到家看望。

e.g.①It’s to years since I last called on my former teacher.


   Call at sb’s house. 到家看望。

   ②“I’ll call at your house tomorrow morning. Are you free? “―Yes. You’re welcome.”


17. You tried it on and it looked wonderful on you.


e.g.①Never buy shoes without trying them on first. 鞋子要先試再買。

   ②The tailor asked the girl to try on the new dress. 裁縫要那個小孩試一下新衣服。

   try on: 試穿,試戴。

18. Perhaps in those days I was. 也許那時候我是(個漂亮的姑娘)…


e.g.①She said it was a valuable necklace. It really was.


   ②“Are they in the park?” “I think they are.” “他們在公園里嗎?”“我想是的”。

19. Pierre and I did have a very good time at the ball.



e.g.①Do come here next Sunday. 下星期日一定來。

   ②I did agree with you. 我完全贊同你。

   ③She does keep her promise. 她確實一貫遵守諾言。

20. But that was the last moment of happiness in our lives.


21. On our way home…… that the necklace was not around my neck any more!


   not ……any mere. 不再。

e.g.①Don’t make the same mistake any more. 不要再犯同樣的錯誤了。

   ②She doesn’t live here any more. 她不再住在這兒了。

22. It was exactly like your necklace, but it was a different one.



e.g.①There are two books. The one on the shelf is mine. 這有2本書,書架上那本是我的。

   ②There are lots of dresses in the case. You can try on the ones you like.


23. During the next ten years… to pay back the money we had borrowed (= In order to return

   the money which we had borrowed, both of us worked a long time every day in the next ten


   pay back作“償還”,“還錢”解。pay back money to sb. pay back money for sth.

e.g.①“―I’ll pay back the money to you next week. Is it ok?”“我下星期還錢給你,行嗎?”

     ―“That’s ok!” 好吧!

   ②“Have you paid back the money for the foods?” 購買食品的錢還了沒有?

   ③They paid off all the debts on time. 他們按時把債還清了。

   ④Once we have paid off the store, we shall owe money to no one.


24. That’s why I come and ask for help. 這就是為什么我顯得這樣蒼老。

   “Why” 在這里相當(dāng)于“the reason why …”即(為什么)…的原因。

e.g. He had stolen the necklace. That’s why he was punished.


25. It wasn’t valuable at all. 它根本就不值錢。

   at all“全然”“完全”。常用于否定句中“not…at all”“完全不”,“根本不”。

e.g.①She’s rather lazy, not at all suitable for the post. 她太懶了,根本不適合這個職業(yè)。

   ②I don’t believe her at all. 我根本就不相信她。

26. It was worth five hundred francs at the most… 它最多值500法郎。

   be worth+sth. /doing sth.“值(多少錢)”

e.g.①This piece of jewelry is worth $500. 這件手飾值500美元。

   ②His suggestion is worth consideration / considering. 他的建議值得考慮。

   ③The museum is worth a visit. 那個博物館值得一看。

27. He is now at the Lost and Found.







直接引語如果是一般疑問句,變成間接引語時,還要用if / whether引導(dǎo)。如果在引語中含有“or”,則只能用whether.

e.g.① He asked her, “Are you pleased?” ®

      He asked her if / whether she was pleased.

   ②She asked me, “Have you finished the work?” ®

      She asked me if / where I had finished the work.

   ③ Mother asked, “Will you stay at home or go with us?” ®

      Mother asked (me) whether I would stay at home or go with them.


e.g.① She asked me, “Where have you been all these years?” ®

      She asked me where I had been all those years.

   ② He asked Tom, “What are you looking for?” ®

      He asked Tom what he was looking for.

   ③ He asked me, “Why didn’t you stop her?” ®

      He asked me why I hadn’t stopped her.




