15.Chinese Language and Culture Day Camp
July 25-29,2014
For ages 7-16
Location:Confucius Institute,10 Park Street,Alfred
Camp Fee:
150(includeslunch)Enrollment(注冊)Deadline:july11,2014ProgramTheAUConfuciusInstituteChineseLanguageandCultureDayCampoffersagreatintroductiontoChineselanguageandcultureinanexciting,fun−filled,interactiveenvironment.Thesmall−classformatensuresthateachcampergetsenoughindividualattention.Thisprogramfeatures:•ChineseLanguageClasses•TraditionalChineseartsandcrafts•Calligraphy•Songs•Dances•Games•Cooking•Dailysupervisedcafeteria−stylelunchintheUniversityDiningHallFaculty(教員)TopqualityinstructionisprovidedbydistinguishedmembersoftheAUConfuciusInstitutefacultywhoareexperiencedteachers,fluentinbothEnglishandChinese.WhoCanAttend?Thisweek−long,daycampisforstudentsaged7−16whowishtoparticipateinafun,dynamicsummerexperienceinChineselanguageandculture.Forclasses,studentswillbedividedintoyoungerandolderagegroups.ScheduleStudentsmustarrivedattheConfuciusInstituteeachdayby9:00a.m.a(chǎn)ndmustbepickedupat3:30p.m.MorninglessonswillfocusonChineselanguageclasses,whileafternoonswillbefilledwithhands−onculturalactivities.InstructorswillbringstudentstothePowellCampusCenterdininghallforasupervised,cafeteria−styleluncheachday.HowtoEnrollPleasefinishtheenrollmentformandreturnbyJuly11,withyour150 payment,to:Office of Summer Programs,Alfred University,I Saxon Drive,Alfred,NY 14802.Checks should be made payable to Alfred University.Major credit cards are also accepted.(If paying by credit card,feel free to fax enrollment form to us at 607-871-2045.)
Cancellation (取消)Policy
Full refunds(退款)will be made for cancellations received by 3:30 p.m.on July 22,2014.We cannot make refunds to students who cancel after July 22 because the amount of materials purchased,meal counts and classroom spaces are based upon the number of students expected and cannot be changed after that time.
For further information,please contact the Office of Summer Programs via email or by calling 607-871-2612.
36.Why is the class in small size?A
A.To give each camper specific care.
B.To charge a higher fee each camper.
C.To save more room for more students.
D.To create an interactive atmosphere.
37.What CAN'T you learn in Chinese Language and Culture Day Camp?B
A.Cooking. | B.Martial arts. | C.Crafts. | D.Traditional arts. |
38.It can be inferred that campersC.
A.have to bring their own lunch each day
B.will learn about Chinese language all day
C.should come to and leave the camp every day
D.must stay in the camp for a week day and night
39.If you want to get back you full fee,you have to cancelD.
A.before 9:00 a.m.July 29
B.before 9:00 a.m.July 11
C.before 3:30 a.m.July 25
D.before 3:30 p.m.July 22
40.What information can we learn from the text?D
A.Pay $15 before you enroll.
B.Teachers are mostly from China.
C.You can fax your questions to the office.
D.Students will be divided into groups by age.