1.Linda had a busy day yesterday.She get up before 7 11.got
o'clock in the morning,and quick washed her hands and 12.quickly
face.She got to school early.She had a few rest after lunch,13.a little
but worked hard in class all days.She played basketball 14.day
after school,and now walked home.15.then
Linda's pen was broken,because she needed a new 16.so
one.On her way home He bought a new pen at a shop.17.She
When she reached at home,she took a short rest and 18.home
a glass of water.After that she helped her parents.
She cooked the supper fast,then cleaned the house.
She watched TV for half a hour after supper.19.an
Then she started her homework.She finished it on 20.at
half past nine.She went bed before a quarter to ten.