Water, like air and sunshine, is very important to living things. All animals and plants need water.
(1) Without water, there can be no life on earth.
Man also needs water. He needs it to drink, to cook and to clean himself. It even makes up the
greater part of his body.
Water is almost everywhere. (2) It covers most parts of the earth. It is in lakes, rivers and seas.
Even in the driest places of the world, there is water in the air.
However, most of the water on earth is seawater. (3) There is too much salt in it. So it is not
good for drinking or washing. We can only drink or use fresh water. It makes up only a very small
part of all the water on earth.
To make things even worse, our need for water is growing and, at the same time, we are wasting
the clean fresh water. (4) We are polluting the lakes and rivers. As a result, there is not much drinking
water left.
(5) So we may say, we are now living in a thirsty world.